Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Some R&R. . .

When one of my best friends asked me to take an impromptu trip to Florida with her shortly after Thanksgiving, I wasn't quite sure if we would seriously go or not. My mind was reeling with thinking about what to pack, being on the beach again, listening to the roar of the ocean, and the sand between my toes. All I could manage to say was a loud, "SHOOT YEAH, I'll go with you!"

A few short days later, by short I mean three days, we were on the road to my spiritual home. Not necessarily Florida, but the ocean. (I am an avid collector of shells, dolphin pictures, etc. etc. All the more so if it specifically from the ocean.)  The journey there was long, we had her four kids ranging from 10 years to 4 months old, which is why we traveled mostly at night.

Our first day on the beach, and I was already in heaven! The temps were so warm, and the water was cool. Shells were everywhere, the literally covered this beach! And yup, I brought some awesome ones home too!

To sit there on the beach, even with everyone around, was the most amazing feeling in the world! The only people I wanted there more was my husband and 7 year old son! Sea shell hunting is an amazing time where you just browse through what Poseidon has washed up for you. It's like you're own present from the God of the Sea! When you find a good one, it's like he's telling you, "Good job! You came home!"

My heart couldn't be any happier on the ocean, unless my boys were with me! Walking down the shore line, going for a stroll on the pier  it didn't matter, I was HOME! I had finally made it back to where my heart was calling me to go!
Nothing more beautiful than a sunset and palm trees! Or at least to my heart! THIS, this, is what life is about! Stopping and smelling the salt in the air, watching the sun sink beneath the ocean, feeling the breeze on your skin. . . all silently thanking you for coming home to them! Reminding you where your whole heart needs to be, me, my husband and my kids! I was so happy I cried several times just to be on the beach. . Just to sit in the presence of such beauty, to know I could reach out the sift the sand through my hands, feel the waves on my feet, I was in awe!

Life will always pass too quickly. No matter what you have planned, or don't have planned. Being back on the beach, watching the waves, reminded me that the here and now is all we have. Planning and looking toward the future is great, but we aren't promised that. Make the most of today, tomorrow won't come, and yesterday is but a dream. Don't take for granted yourself, or others. Love and be loved. NOTHING is more powerful than love!

I hope you've enjoyed my visit "home." Don't forget to visit our Facebook:

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