Sunday, May 6, 2012


What is it? How does it work? Why do we do it?
Honestly, divination is just your intuition coming forth through tools you choose to use. Choosing a tool (runes, tarot, sea shells, fire, scrying mirrors, oracles, etc.) is completely up to you and how and why you connect with it. Most divination is based on a feeling, a flutter or a twinge deep in your gut that tells you, "Yup, you pegged this one dead on!" That's not to say it doesn't take practice! Sometimes it takes years of practice! Meditation is a form or divination too, as you delve into yourself for answers. Seeking the Divine to help you meditate is a huge tool.
How it works is basically dependent up on what tool you choose. For me personally, I align with the water element, so anything that's water related will attune to me. I use oracle cards, by Doreen Virtue, that are dolphin and mermaids. I have sea shell runes, that I made and put up on Etsy that have an amazing feel to them. It's so much more personal than I can explain to you. No two people are going to be able to feel the exact same and intuit the exact same things using the same form of divination. Each individual person will have their own interpretation and take on anything and everything.
We do it because it's fun! Seriously, connecting with the Divine, and using our divination tools are is fun! I thoroughly enjoy using my cards! I am branching out now from oracle to Tarot, and would love to do water scrying, etc. Not everyone will be able to use all forms of divination. It's just about branching out and trying it. If it works for you then HAVE FUN with it. If it doesn't, then you know you tried something new, and either way. . . you learned something!

The Sisters Elemental loves hearing from you, so please feel free to post here on the blog or on our FB page!

Namaste and Blessed Be!

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